Wednesday 8 September 2010

Crisis Communication

In the past year, a number of prominent global brands have been affected by crises that required some sort of immediate reaction. As the crisis continues, information is key, and everything the company does is put under the microscope.

During such crises, media measurement can prove particularly useful, allowing communications managers to track the overall tone of media comment as well as the specific position of individual newspapers, journalists and spokespeople. Possessing this information - alongside influential social media chatter - can prove crucial to the creation of an effective strategy, and to the eventual success of any crisis communication.

These articles from The Huffington Post, The New York Times and Canada's CTV provide a few examples of companies that have struggled with crisis communication, alongside those that have communicated effectively.

What do you think? Which organizations have handled crisis particularly well? Who has done a poor job?

The opinions and views expressed in this blog are the personal opinions of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of Echo Research, its staff or any of its affiliates.


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